Proudly, PinProsPlus has been the #1 supplier of Custom Quilting Pins, Quilting Enamel Pins and Quilting Pin.
Making quilts is a tradition as old as America herself.
Quilting in the United States started as both a social activity – a chance for frontier women who did not always live near each other to get together regularly and visit – and a way to make warm bed covers for each other’s families before there was central heat.
Today, the tradition of quilting continues and is stronger than ever. Nearly 12-million people in the country say they are active quilters and there are a growing number of local, national and international quilting associations. But making quilts is not just for keeping us warm on a cold winter’s night anymore. They have become a recognized art form and not only are there museums dedicated to showing off quilts and their history but today even major art galleries stage special quilt exhibits.
There are books about quilting and companies release new patterns regularly. There are national contests with prizes for the winners! Businesses make and sell quilts to retain chains and local bedding stores alike. This is why quilting lapel pins are more popular than ever. They celebrate the tradition and fun of quilting plus they are used to honor and recognize the men and women who continue to practice the art of quilting. Combining a customized quilting pin with quilting activities or exhibits just requires a bit of PINspiration!
In the long and proud tradition of quilting, each one made is a bit different. The same is true of a custom quilting pin whether a local association is sponsoring a quilting event. A national group is planning a get-together of quilters or a company is producing a new line of quilts for the retail trade.
It just takes a bit of PINspiration to find a customized quilting pin that’s perfect for your group, organization, museum or business!
Quilt lapel pins make a big impact on the people who wear them or see others with one on their lapel, jacket, cap or sewing bag. They cost as little as 61-cents per lapel pin depending on the quantity, style and size you order.