Celebrate National Hobby Month With Hobby Pins

October 16, 2023

Have you ever thought of getting some hobby pins for your favorite hobby?  Hobby pins can display what you like to do in a stylish accessory. And since January is National Hobby Month, now is the time to get your own hobby pins ordered! So how do you celebrate National Hobby Month?  Besides getting some hobby pins that is. Here are a couple ways you can participate:

1. Try a New Hobby

Luckily for those wishing to try a new activity, hobbies are as diverse as people.  You might try a common hobby, such as starting a collection, playing a musical instrument, or arts and crafts.  Or you may decide to try a more unique hobby, such as making cheese from scratch, competitive robotics, or rock polishing.  And whether you end up keeping up with the hobby or not, you still got out and tried something new.

2. Turn Your Hobby Into a Career

Have you ever wished you could get paid for your hobby?  Use National Hobby Month as a time to try turning that hobby pastime into a career.  Whether you start selling your art, work on getting your writing published, or enter a tournament in your hobby field that has a cash prize, take the month of January to work towards getting reimbursed for your hobby time. Interested in selling your own pins? Get a free pin quote today. We'll even design the pin for free.

3. Work On Your Hobby With Friends and Family

If you don’t want to try something new, why not just try doing your hobby WITH someone?  Getting others involved could introduce them to a new hobby, give you a new perspective or a better way to enjoy your own hobby, and is just plain more fun.  Why do you think there are so many hobby clubs?  It’s always better to do things with others.

Whether your hobby is something you do alone, in a club, or just something you’re thinking about trying, January is the month to really get out there and do it.  And don’t forget to have PinProsPlus design unique hobby pins for you, so you can share your interests with everyone else. To get started with your custom pin design, get a free pin quote today.

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