How Do Politicians Use Custom Pins?

October 16, 2023

‍The oldest known politician pins came courtesy of George Washington. They were fashioned out of mass-produced campaign buttons that showed Washington's picture and the phrase "Father of the Country" in Latin.

Getting buttons made became all the rage for candidates gearing up to run for office. Today, politicians employ these pins to prove their status or show that certain powerful people back then. They use the pins to spread hope in times of grief, protest brutal dictators, or crusade for causes such as global warming.


Putting together a campaign-themed pin for your preferred candidate is a great way to show and get support for them. Making and deciding on the right political pin requires one to first understand their personality and motives. At PinProsPlus, we have been incredibly successful at making political pins for campaigns.

We have amassed a loyal following of customers who continue to rely on us to provide our ever-popular handmade campaign pins for every election. We're proud that people look to us as the premium, custom pin manufacturing service they can trust!

With talented artists and designers behind our highly polished designs, NOTHING CREATED by our team looks cheesy at all. But more importantly, are they effective? YES - People often see them as a conversation starter which naturally leads to many new opportunities to recruit them into your volunteer team.

Patriotism and hope

While many people wore flag pins during the Gulf War to show their support for those fighting there, it was not until after 9/11 that wearing them became popular among the public. President George Bush started wearing one every day before addressing the nation after the World Trade Center collapsed. It wasn't long before Bush won an impressive number of fans, including several administration members. The President encouraged troops and government officers to wear at least one, which caused a huge spike in flag pin sales.

Obama's controversy

President Obama's refusal to wear a flag lapel pin during his presidential campaign became a political point due to inaccurate reports saying he would not wear the pin. There was a widespread misconception in which people thought that he didn't wear one because he was not patriotic. However, he said that he believed it is more important what's in a person's heart than what they wore on their lapel.

Warning about climate change

Senators Tom Carper, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Chris Van Hollen wanted to draw attention to global warming e during President Trump's State of the Union address earlier in 2020. They did so by wearing clothing with pins designed to show the effects of global warming. The pins had the warming stripes design with red and yellow lines.

The red and yellow lines represent the rise in temperatures from 1850 to 2018 so far. More lawmakers have adopted the pin to call attention to this important issue that is affecting all of us around the globe.

Publicizing personal interests

Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) is passionate about cycling. Still, he knows that when people are on bikes, they are moving towards their goals more efficiently, but they are also working to implement better infrastructure that serves cyclists. Thus, his choice of accessories became something that showcased his love for bicycles. He occasionally wears custom pins designed as two-wheeled adornments attached to his jacket lapels.

These pins have become so popular with officials in DC culture, so much so that some consider being "pinned" by Earl Blumenauer a rite of passage! The group Blemenauer founded called the Congressional Bicycle Caucus is now more than 130 members strong. This group has helped create many laws propelling bicycling's growth around the country, including the Bike to work act.

Political fundraising

Do you want to spread messages about your political aspirations? First, you will need the money for campaigning. Thankfully, custom political pins can help increase your popularity and raise funds for the campaign. They'll also help you gain national recognition if you're running for office or student council.

At PinProsPlus, our stickers are easy to customize. They're the perfect way to express your political message and earn support. The pins are a great way to make money for your political cause because people love promoting the causes they believe in! Our pins are inexpensive, customizable, and will help spread the word about your campaign!

When you order political pins with us, you get the most high-quality American-made buttons available. Call us at (801) 544-1005.

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